Au, Ni, Cu
The Grasset Project is comprised of 3 claim blocks (North, Central, South) for a total of 295 claims over 162 km², located 40 km northwest of Matagami and located 35 km east of *Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd.’s Fenelon Gold Deposit with Indicated 21,659,100 Mt @ 3.4 g/t Au for 2,369,600 oz Au and Inferred 18,485,300 Mt @ 2.89 for 1,718,400 oz Au (refer to Wallbridge Jan 17, 2023 press release or Wallbridge published estimate: https://wallbridgemining.com/our-projects/fenelon-gold/​​)​
The Grasset Project is situated along the Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend, Sunday Lake Deformation Zone, which hosts the Detour Lake open-pit gold mine in Ontario (Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.), and covers the northern margin of the Abitibi greenstone belt.
A VTEM survey completed in 2022 delineating multiple discrete conductive anomalies for VMS and Ni-Cu targets, with additional ground staked Southeast of the property following VTEM results (Link to Sep 8, 2022 press release).
The North claim block is located in the Opatica sub-province, underlain by granite, tonalite, migmatites and mafic volcanics.
The South claim block is located NE of the Ingamar (Au-Cu) and Harricana-Turgeon-M-3 (Cu-Au) VMS showings.
Grasset is uniquely located in a favorable geological environment and of significant size.