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Image by Olivier Miche




RILEY BROOK & McIntyre brook



The Acadian Gold joint venture with Lode Gold Resources Inc. was formulated for the advancement of a 445 km² under-explored land package located in New Brunswick. The Acadian Gold joint venture constitutes combined mineral properties, Fancamp’s 334.5 km2 package of mineral claims, the Riley Brook property, along with Lode Gold’s 111 km2 McIntyre Brook holdings, creating an exceptionally sized project on an orogenic belt where other major developers are established and host certain world-class deposits. The Acadian Gold joint venture is positioned from a strategic perspective as a key player in the region, and holds the potential to become an emerging, district-scale, Au-Cu exploration play (refer to press release dated August 27, 2024). This joint initiative with Lode Gold Resources Inc. occurs in a highly prospective geologic domain for gold and polymetallic discovery, within the Appalachian Gold Corridor that hosts other Au-focused projects such as New Found Gold's Queensway Project and Calibre Mining's Valentine Lake Project.


Work completed as part of the launch of Acadian Gold’s exploration program includes a Heliborne HeliTEM² Survey over the Riley Brook and McIntyre Brook properties, as well as a soil geochemical grid on select areas over the Riley Brook property, along with trenching and rock chip channelling at McIntyre Brook.


The results received from this first phase of exploration by Acadian Gold has significantly increased the known surface expression of the previous data and historical drilling at McIntyre Brook, confirming by trenching and chip channel sampling a gold bearing rhyolitic horizon presenting a minimum strike extension of at least a 200-metre and up to 9-metre thickness, similar to the one observed at Puma Exploration’s Williams Brook Project.


At Riley Brook, a significant multi-element soil anomaly coincident with a Conductive EM Anomaly indicates the possibility of an Intrusion Related Gold System in the southwestern section of the property. By confirming the limited historical work at McIntyre Brook as well as identifying combined soil and geophysical anomalies, the Company has further substantiated the prospectivity of the Acadian Gold joint venture to expand into a district scale gold-copper play. The Acadian Gold properties encompass a combined 445 km2 land package of mineral claims, constituting gold mineralized zones that extend over several kilometres, on trend with Puma Exploration’s Williams Brook property which is the subject of an option agreement with Kinross Gold Corp., making Fancamp and Lode Gold’s joint package of assets inherently attractive. 


Exploration Highlights

  • The Heliborne HeliTEM² Survey was flown over 3,247-line kilometers, covering 419 km² of joint venture land package, with considerable data acquired over both properties in a grid pattern with 150-metre spacing between each flight line. The helicopter-borne geophysical survey consisted of magnetic, electromagnetic and radiometric measurements leveraging the Xcalibur HeliTEM² system.

  • Prospecting and trenching at McIntyre Brook confirmed the presence of a gold bearing rhyolite horizon, similar to the one observed at Puma’s Williams Brook Project (refer to Figure 2), with preliminary trench results that include 5.3 metres of 1.19 gpt Au.

  • The survey revealed the presence of coincident radiometric and conductive geophysical anomalies at both Riley Brook and McIntyre Brook.

  • Soil geochemical surveys were conducted over 3 grids on the Riley Brook property and revealed the presence of large soil Au-W-As-Sb geochemical anomalies positioned in the southern part of the property (refer to Figure 3).

  • Acadian Gold staked an additional 26 km² at the southwestern edge of the Riley Brook property to cover the potential continuation of the soil geochemical anomaly and coincident conductivity anomaly.


McIntyre Brook Trenching Program


The McIntyre Brook trenching program confirmed earlier results from historical drilling in the central part of the property (refer to Figure 2). Results significantly expanded the known mineralization previously defined by Lode Gold Resources Inc. in 2019 to a minimum strike length of 200 metres and a potential thickness of up to 9 metres. Mineralization defined insofar appears comparable to the description of a similar mineralized lithological unit found on neighboring Puma Exploration’s Williams Brook Project.


The McIntyre Brook trenching also allowed for better definition of the strike and dip of the gold bearing rhyolitic unit and for follow up exploration drilling along the southwestern and northeastern trend. EM airborne data has further revealed a distinctive anomaly located in the eastern sector of the McIntyre Brook property, where assay results of soil samples collected from this area are expected later this month.


Results received to date are considered very encouraging, meanwhile results from the soil geochemical surveys at McIntyre Brook remain pending, which intend to guide future course of action for a prospective drill program. Future work planned at the McIntyre Brook prospect intends to further expand the strike length and identify potential parallel structures and inflections.


Riley Brook Geochemical Soil Surveys


The Riley Brook geochemical soil surveys revealed the presence of strong soil anomalies in the southern end of the property (refer to Figure 3). These seem to correlate with a number of discrete intrusives mapped throughout the property by the New Brunswick Geological Survey.

Recon soil sampling which only covered ~10% of the Riley Brook property has revealed multiple gold anomalies of similar tenor demonstrated on other Appalachian gold belt deposits such as Puma Exploration’s Williams Brook Property (>20ppb Au in soils).


The soil anomalies are defined by various percentile levels of As (98%), Au (99%), Sb (97%) and W (96%), elements which are valid pathfinders associated with gold mineralization in Epithermal and Intrusive Related systems. Notably, these anomalies are further associated with potential coincident HeliTEM² conductive and radiometric anomalies.


The Riley Brook property is a 334.5 km2 land package of mineral claims located in New Brunswick, approximately 25 kilometres south of Puma Exploration’s Williams Brook Project and the McIntyre Brook land package. Riley Brook is located within the highly prospective Appalachian geological province, renowned for recent major gold discoveries, such as New Found Gold’s Queensway Project. Fancamp’s acquisition of 100% interest in the Riley Brook property, as part of its grassroots generative program, is highly strategic given its jurisdiction within a new prospective area for both copper and gold mineralization over a large area with strong yet underexplored potential for gold mineralization associated with an underlying geology of Devonian volcano-sedimentary stack belonging to the Wapske Formation.


The Riley Brook property is located in a recognized mining-friendly jurisdiction with a sizeable land package of approximately 309 km² situated between the Rocky Brook Millstream Fault and Woodstock-Catamaran Fault. Both are major orogenic structures in the Appalachian region, potentially serving as significant controls for gold deposition and other types of mineralization. Such structures are key to large orogenic gold deposits in the Appalachian, exemplified by New Found Gold’s Queensway Project. 


A compilation of historical work indicates the presence of zinc, lead and/or silver of the intermediate sulfidation type throughout the property in areas such as Mable Brook, Stewart Peaks South and Blue Mountain Lake. Alteration characteristic of epithermal type mineralization, such as silicification, kaolinization, sericitization, potassic alteration, hematization and pyritization have been recognized in historical drilling performed over the property[1]. These key features identified during the compilation of historical work programs also highlight the strong potential for porphyry – epithermal type mineralization on Riley Brook, similarly observed on Puma Exploration’s William Brook property (refer to, June 2024).



[1] Mattagami Lake Exploration, 1981 – NB Work Report 472733, Freewest Resources, 1994 – NB Work Report 474447, Connecticut Development Corp., 1995 – NB Work Report 474997​









Unless stated otherwise herein, all scientific and technical data contained in this website has been reviewed, approved and verified by François Auclair, P.Geo, M.Sc. Vice President Exploration of Fancamp Exploration Ltd., designated as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and Qualified Person to Fancamp Exploration Ltd.

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